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Benvenuta, Brooch 2023 – steel, recycled plastic, silver

Benvenuto, Brooch 2023 – steel, recycled plastic, silver

Benvenuta, Brooch 2023 – steel, recycled plastic, silver

Benvenuti, Brooch 2023 – steel, recycled plastic, silver

In this day and age maternity is a condition we most often choose, program and at times have a hard time reaching. For this reason, society prepares us only with expectations of immense joy, overwhelming love, yet avoids preparing us to deal with the sudden and unavoidable shift your identity has when you become a mother. These pieces want to be a reflection upon the duality between the undeniable joy motherhood brings to our lives, yet the underlying loneliness and mourning you feel when giving up parts of your previous life. Ribbons, that traditionally are hung on doors to celebrate the arrival of new-borns, are now made with empty containers of household items, such as cleaning detergents’ packaging and kitchen utensils, objects that became my new tools and materials when becoming a mother. This series wants to show both sides of the very complex medal which motherhood is.

Carla Movia

Contemporary Jewellery Maker

P.IVA 01355090323